Package 'BaSTA'

Title: Age-Specific Bayesian Survival Trajectory Analysis from Incomplete Census or Capture-Recapture/Recovery Data
Description: Estimates survival and mortality with covariates from census or capture-recapture/recovery data in a Bayesian framework when many individuals are of unknown age. It includes tools for data checking, model diagnostics and outputs such as life-tables and plots, as described in Colchero, Jones, and Rebke (2012) <doi:10.1111/j.2041-210X.2012.00186.x> and Colchero et al. (2021) <doi:10.1038/s41467-021-23894-3>.
Authors: Fernando Colchero [aut, cre], Owen Jones [ctb]
Maintainer: Fernando Colchero <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 2.0.1
Built: 2025-02-15 06:10:37 UTC

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BaSTA: Parametric Bayesian estimation of age-specific survival for truncated and censored capture-recapture or census data.


This package estimates age-specific mortality and survival trajectories with covariates from capture-recapture/recovery or census data under a Bayesian framework when many individuals are of unknown age. It includes tools for data checking, model diagnostics, and outputs such as life-tables and plots.


Package: BaSTA
Type: Package
Version: 2.0.1
Date: 2025-01-15
License: GNU General Public Licence
LazyLoad: yes

Parametric estimation of age-specific survival and mortality from capture-mark-recapture or census data including individuals with unknown times of birth and death.


Fernando Colchero [email protected]


Colchero, F. and J.S. Clark (2012) Bayesian inference on age-specific survival from capture-recapture data for censored and truncated data. Journal of Animal Ecology 81, 139-149.

Colchero, F., O.R Jones and M. Rebke. (2012) BaSTA: an R package for Bayesian estimation of age-specific survival from incomplete mark-recapture/recovery data with covariates. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3, 466-470.

Colchero, F., et al. (2021) The long lives of primates and the "invariant rate of aging" hypothesis. Nature Communications 12:3666

Parametric Bayesian estimation of age-specific survival for left-truncated and right-censored capture-mark-recapture or census data.


This function performs multiple Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulations for the Bayesian estimation of age-specific mortality and survival when a large proportion of records have unknown times of birth and/or death. Survival parameters and unknown (i.e. latent) birth (and death, for CMR data) times are estimated, allowing the user to test a range of mortality patterns, and to test the effect of continuous and/or discrete covariates following Colchero and Clark's (2012) general approach.


basta(object, ...)

## Default S3 method:
 basta(object, dataType = "CMR", model = "GO", 
  shape = "simple",  studyStart = NULL, studyEnd = NULL, 
  minAge = 0, covarsStruct = "fused",  formulaMort = NULL, 
  formulaRecap = NULL, recaptTrans = studyStart,  niter = 22000, 
  burnin = 2001, thinning = 40, nsim = 1, parallel = FALSE,  
  ncpus = 2, updateJumps = TRUE, negSenescence = FALSE,  ...)



A data.frame to be used as an input data file for BaSTA. Note: BaSTA can take two types of datasets, namely capture-mark-recapture (CMR) or census data. See details for a description of the data structures.


A character string indicating if the data are for capture-mark-recapture (CMR) or census. Options are “CMR” (default) or “census”.


The underlying mortality model to be used. "EX" = exponential,"GO" = Gompertz, "WE" = Weibull and "LO" = logistic (see details).


The overall shape of the model. Values are: simple = no extra parameters added; Makeham = a constant parameter is added to the mortality; and bathtub = a Gompertz declining mortality for early ages and a constant parameter are added to the mortality model (see details).


Only required for dataType =CMR”, an integer indicating the first year of the study.


Only required for dataType =CMR”, an integer indicating the last year of the study.


Age at which the analysis should start (see details).


Character string that indicates how covariates should be evaluated. The options are: “fused”, which defines all categorical variables as covariates for each mortality parameter and all continuous covariates under a proportional hazards structure; “prop.haz”, which puts all covariates under a proportional hazards structure; and “” puts all covariates as a multilevel function of the mortality parameters (see details).


An object of class formula specifying the covariates to be included on the mortality part of the model. Note that the syntax should not include a dependent variable. If formulaMort = NULL, then no covariates are included in the analysis. See details.


Not yet implemented, an object of class formula specifying the covariates to be included on the recapture part of the model. Note that the syntax should not include a dependent variable. If formulaMort = NULL, then no covariates are included in the analysis.


A vector (of maximum length equal to the duration of the study) defining the recapture probability transition times (RPTP). These are points (years) where the recapture probability is thought to change. The default setting is for the recapture probability to be constant throughout the study, so the recaptTrans is simply defined as a single element vector of the first year of the observation period (e.g. c(1985)). If recapture probabilities were known to change at year say, 1990, the RPTP should be defined as c(1985, 1990).


The total number of MCMC steps.


The number of iterations for the burn in (see details).


The number of skipped MCMC steps to minimize serial autocorrelation (see details).


A numerical value for the number of simulations to be run.


A logical argument indicating whether the multiple simulations should be run in parallel or not. If TRUE, package snowfall is called and multiple simulations are run in parallel. If snowfall is not installed, the model is ran in series.


a numerical value that indicates the number of cpus to be used if parallel is TRUE and package snowfall is installed. The default is 2 cpus. If package snowfall is not installed, the simulations are run in series.


A logical argument indicating wheter to update jump standard deviations (adaptive independent Metropolis) until an update rate of 0.25 is achieved (see details).


Logical indicating if negative senescence should be allowed, only applicable for model = “GO” and shape = “Makeham”.


Additional arguments to be passed to function basta (see details)



The input object required by BaSTA needs to be constructed differently whether the data are of capture-mark-recapture or census.

1.1) capture-mark-recapture (CMR):

If dataType = “CMR”, then the data frame requires the following structure. The first column is a vector of individual unique IDs, the second and third columns are birth and death years respectively. Columns 4,,T+34, \dots, T+3 represent the observation window (i.e., recapture matrix) of TT years. This is followed (optionally) by columns for categorical and continuous covariates (see bastaCMRdat for a CMR dataset example).

1.2) Census:

If dataType = “census”, then the input data object requires at least five dates columns, namely “Birth.Date”, “Min.Birth.Date”, “Max.Birth.Date”, “Entry.Date”, and “Depart.Date”. All dates need to be format as “%Y-%m-%d”. In addition, a “Depart.Type” column is required with two types of departures “C” for Censored and “D” for dead (see bastaCensDat for a census dataset example).


basta performs Bayesian inference on parametric age-specific mortality and survival when not all ages are known (Colchero and Clark 2012, Colchero et al. 2012, Colchero et al. 2021). The mortality function describes how the risk of mortality changes with age, and is defined as

μ(xθ)=limΔx0Pr[x<X<x+ΔxX>x]Δx,\mu(x | \theta) = \lim_{\Delta x \rightarrow 0} \frac{\Pr[x < X < x + \Delta x | X > x]}{\Delta x},

where XX is a random variable for ages at death, x0x \geq 0 are ages and θ\theta is the vector of mortality parameters. From the mortality function, the survival function is then given by

S(xθ)=exp[0xμ(tθ)dt].S(x | \bm{\theta}) = \exp[-\int_0^x \mu(t | \bm{\theta}) dt].

2.1)Argument model:

The model argument allows the user to choose between four basic mortality functions, namely

(a) model = EX”: The exponential model (Cox and Oakes 1974), with constant mortality with age, specified as

μb(xθ)=b,\mu_b(x | \bm{\theta}) = b,

where b>0b > 0, with survival

Sb(xθ)=exp[bx].S_b(x | \bm{\theta}) = \exp[-b x].

(b) model = GO”: The Gompertz mortality model (Gompertz 1925, Pletcher 1999), calculated as

μb(xθ)=exp(b0+b1x),\mu_b(x | \bm{\theta}) = \exp(b_0 + b_1 x),

where <b0,b1<-\infty < b_0, b_1 < \infty, with survival

Sb(xθ)=exp[eb0b1(1eb1x)].S_b(x | \bm{\theta}) = \exp\left[\frac{e^{b_0}}{b_1}\left(1 - e^{b_1 x}\right)\right].

(c) model = WE”: The Weibull mortality model (Pinder III et al. 1978) calculated as

μb(xθ)=b0b1b0xb01,\mu_b(x | \bm{\theta}) = b_0 b_1^{b_0} x^{b_0 -1},

where b0,b1>0b_0, b_1 > 0, with survival

Sb(xθ)=exp[(b1x)b0].S_b(x | \bm{\theta}) = \exp\left[-(b_1 x)^{b_0}\right].

(d) model = LO”: The logistic mortality model (Pletcher 1999), calculated as

μb(xθ)=exp(b0+b1x)1+b2eb0b1(eb1x1),\mu_b(x | \bm{\theta}) = \frac{\exp(b_0 + b_1 x)}{1 + b_2 \frac{e^{b_0}}{b_1} \left(e^{b_1 x}-1\right)},

where b0,b1,b2>0b_0, b_1, b_2 > 0, with survival

Sb(xθ)=[1+b2eb0b1(eb1x1)]1/b2.S_b(x | \bm{\theta}) = \left[1 + b_2 \frac{e^{b_0}}{b_1} \left(e^{b_1 x} - 1\right)\right]^{-1 / b_2}.

2.2)Argument shape:

The shape argument allows the user to extend these models in order to explore more complex mortality shapes.

(a) shape = simple”: (default) Leaves the model as defined above, with mortality given by

μ(xθ)=μb(xθ)\mu(x | \bm{\theta}) = \mu_b(x | \bm{\theta})

and survival

S(xθ)=Sb(xθ.S(x | \bm{\theta}) = S_b(x | \bm{\theta}.

(b) shape = Makeham”: A constant is added to the mortality, such that the mortality is given by

μ(xθ)=c+μb(xθ1),\mu(x | \bm{\theta}) = c + \mu_b(x | \bm{\theta}_1),

where θ=[c,θ1]\bm{\theta} = [c, \bm{\theta}_1], and with survival

S(xθ)=ecxSb(xθ1)S(x | \bm{\theta}) = e^{-cx} S_b(x | \bm{\theta}_1)

The most common models with this shape is the Gompertz-Makeham model (Gompertz 1825, Makeham 1866).

(c) shape = bathtub”: produces a concave shapes in mortality by adding a declining Gompertz term and a constant parameter to the basic mortality model, where the mortality function is

μ(xθ)=exp(a0a1x)+c+μb(xθ1),\mu(x | \bm{\theta}) = \exp(a_0 - a_1 x) + c + \mu_b(x | \bm{\theta}_1),

where a0Ra_0 \in \mathbb{R}, a1,c0a_1, c \geq 0 and θ1θ\bm{\theta}_1 \subset \bm{\theta} are specified based on argument model, and with survival

S(xθ)=exp[ea0a1(ea1x1)cx]Sb(xθ1).S(x | \theta) = \exp\left[\frac{e^{a_0}}{a_1}\left(e^{a_1 x} - 1\right)-cx\right] S_b(x | \theta_1).

The most widely use “bathtub” shaped model is the Siler mortality model (Siler 1979), which provides considerably good fits to mammalian data. The arguments for the Siler model are:

basta(..., model = "GO", shape = "bathtub", ...)


Covariates are selected by means of the argument formulaMort, which requires an object of class formula, just as with other statistical inference functions such as lm or glm.

When covariates are included in the dataset, the basta function provides three different ways in which these can be evaluated by using argument covarsStruct:


This option will make the mortality parameters linear functions of all categorical covariates (analogous to a generalised linear model (GLM) structure) and will put all continuous covariates under a proportional hazards structure. Thus, for a simple exponential model with constant mortality of the form μ0(xb)=b\mu_0(x | b) = b, the parameter is equal to b=b1z1+,bkzkb = b_1 z_1 + \dots, b_k z_k, where [b1,,bk][b_1, \dots, b_k] are paramters that link the mortality parameter bb with the categorical covariates [z1,,zk][z_1,\dots,z_k].


This setting will put all covariates under a proportional hazards structure irrespective of the type of variable. In this case, the mortality model is be further extended by including a proportional hazards structure, of the form

μ(xθ,γ,Za,Zc)=μ0(xθ,Za)exp(Zcγ),\mu(x | \theta, \gamma, Z_a, Z_c) = \mu_0(x | \theta, Z_a) \exp(Z_c \gamma),

where μ0(xθ,Za)\mu_0(x | \theta, Z_a) represents the baseline mortality as defined above, while the second term exp(Zcγ)\exp(Z_c \gamma) corresponds to the proportional hazards function. ZaZ_a and ZcZ_c are covariate (design) matrices for categorical and continuous covariates, respectively, while γ\gamma is a vector of proportional hazards parameters.”:

This specification will put all covariates as linear functions of the survival parameters as explained above. Since most models require the lower bounds for the mortality parameters to be equal to 0, the only model that can be used for this test is Gompertz with shape set to “simple”. In case these arguments are specified differently, a warning message is printed noting that model will be forced to be “GO” and shape will be set to “simple”.


The burnin argument represents the number of steps at the begining of the MCMC run that is be discarded. This sequence commonly corresponds to the non-converged section of the MCMC sequence. Convergence and model selection measures are calculated from the remaining thinned parameter chains if multiple simulations are run, and all if all of them run to completion.

The thinning argument specifies the number of steps to be skipped in order to reduce serial autocorrelation. The thinned sequence, which only includes steps after burn in, is then used to calculate convergence statistics and model for selection.

The updateJumps argument specifies wether to run a simulation to find appropriate jump standard deviations for theta and gamma parameters. If argument “nsim” is set to 1, then the simulation runs with the update jumps routine active. If “nsim” is larger than 1, then an initial simulation is ran to find apropriate jumps before the main analysis is ran.


Additional arguments for priors, jumps and start values can be passed on the ... section. For instance, argument thetaStart can be specified as a vector defining the initial values for each parameter in the survival model. If this argument is not specified, a set of random parameters is generated for each simulation. Similarly, argument gammaStart can be specified for all parameters in the proportional hazards section of the model. Jump standard deviations (i.e. the standard error in the Metropolis step) can be specified with arguments thetaJumps and gammaJumps. As with thetaStart, default values are assigned if these arguments are not specified.

To specify priors, arguments thetaPriorMean, thetaPriorSd, gammaPriorMean and gammaPriorSd can be used for prior means and standard errors for each survival and proportional hazards parameters. If not specified, default values are assigned.

The number of parameters in thetaStart, thetaJumps, thetaPriorMean and thetaPriorSd should be a vector or matrix for the parameters in the mortality function. The number of parameters will depend on the model chosen with model (see above). If the number of parameters specified does not match the number of parameters inherent to the model and shape selected, the function returns an error.

As described above, the number of parameters for gammaStart, gammaJumps, gammaPriorMean and gammaPriorSd arguments (i.e. section b), namely the proportional hazards section, will be a function of the number of continuous covariates if argument covarsStruct is “fused”, or to the total number of covariates when covarsStruct is “prop.haz”.

6) SUMMARY STATISTICS: From the converged sequence of mortality parameters, BaSTA calculates a number of summary statistics, their standard errors and their lower and upper 95% credible intervals.

6.1) Remaining life expectancy:

The function calculates remaining life expectancy as

e0=0S(t)dt.e_{0} = \int_{0}^{\infty} S(t) dt.

6.2) Measures of inequality and equality:

The function calculates different measures of inequality and equality in the distribution of ages at death that results from the parametric model:

- Lifespan inequality: (Demetrius 1974, Keyfitz and Caswell 2005) given by

H=0S(x)ln[S(x)]dxe0H = -\frac{\int_{0}^{\infty} S(x) \ln [S(x)] dx}{e_0}

- Lifespan equality: (Colchero et al. 2016, Colchero et al. 2021) given by

ε=lnH.\varepsilon = - \ln H.

- Gini coefficient: (Gini 1912, Shkolnikov et al. 2003) given by

G=11e00[l(x)]2dxG = 1 - \frac{1}{e_0} \int_0^{\infty} [l(x)]^2 dx

- Coefficient of variation: given by

CV=σ2e0,CV = \frac{\sqrt{\sigma^2}}{e_0},

where σ2\sigma^2 is the variance in ages at death.



If requested, a matrix with the thinned, converged parameter traces of all runs. This matrix is used to calculate quantiles for parameters, survival probability and mortality (see below).


If requested, a matrix with only the parameters of the mortality function after convergence and thinning.


A matrix with estimated coefficients (i.e. mean values per parameter on the thinned sequences after burnin), which includes standard errors, upper and lower 95% credible intervals, update rates per parameter, serial autocorrelation on the thinned sequences and the potential scale reduction factor for convergence (see Convergence value below).


Names of all parameters


Basic deviance information criterion (DIC) calculations to be used for model selection (Spiegelhalter et al. 2002, Celeux et al. 2006). Small differences between values should only be used as a reference (see comments in Spiegelhalter et al. 2002). If any of the parameter chains did not converge, then the returned value is “Not calculated”.


If called by summary, list with Kullback-Leibler discrepancy matrices between pair of parameters for categorical covariates (McCulloch 1989, Burnham and Anderson 2001) and McCulloch's (1989) calibration measure. If only one simulation was run or if no convergence is reached, then the returned value is “Not calculated”.


If requested, a list with summary statistics of the PDF of ages at death, including the life expectancy, lifespan inequality, lifespan equality, and Gini index. These are separated by categorical covariate and, if continuous covariates are provided, they are evaluated at the average value of each continous covariate. The list object provides a table with the mean and lower and upper 95% credible intervals and vectors of the converged and thinned values for each variable.


If requested or called by functions plot or plot.basta median and 95% predictive intervals for the estimated mortality rates separated by categorical covariate and calculated at the mean for each continuous covariate, if provided.


If requested or called by functions plot or plot.basta median and 95% predictive intervals for the estimated survival probability, separated by categorical covariate and calculated at the mean for each continuous covariate, if provided.


If requested, median and 95% predictive intervals for the estimated probability density function of ages at death, separated by categorical covariate and calculated at the mean for each continuous covariate, if provided.


If requested, a vector of the ages used to calculate mort, surv, and dens.


An index vector per categorical covariate of the ages where the survival is larger than 0.05, used for display purposes when producing the plots with function plot.


If requested, a matrix with convergence coefficients based on potential scale reduction as described by Gelman et al. (2004). If only one simulation was ran, then the returned value is “Not calculated”.


Only used with functions summary and print to indicate whether the parameter traces converged appropriately.


A list object with the outputs of each individual MCMC run. Used with function plot.


A list object with the input parameter information for the model, including starting values, priors, initial jumps, lower bound, among other. Used with functions summary and print.


A list object with information on the basic mortality model. Used with function plot.


A list object with the final jump standard deviations for each parameter.


A list object with general information on the type of covariates, i.e., cat and cont, and the type of covarStruct used.


If called by summary, this is a vector indicating the number of iterations for each MCMC, the burn in sequence, the thinning interval, and the number of simulations that were run.


Model specifications inidicating the model, the shape, the covariate structure and the minimum age that were specified by the user.


A period life table calculated from the estimated times of birth (and death for “CMR”) accounting for truncation and censoring.


Fernando Colchero [email protected]


Burnham, K.P. and Anderson, D.R. (2001) Kullback-Leibler information as a basis for strong inference in ecological studies. Widlife Research, 28, 111-119.

Celeux, G., Forbes, F., Robert, C. P., and Titterington, D. M. (2006) Deviance information criteria for missing data models. Bayesian Analysis, 1(4), 651-673.

Colchero, F. and J.S. Clark (2012) Bayesian inference on age-specific survival from capture-recapture data for censored and truncated data. Journal of Animal Ecology. 81, 139-149.

Colchero, F., O.R. Jones and M. Rebke. (2012) BaSTA: an R package for Bayesian estimation of age-specific survival from incomplete mark-recapture/recovery data with covariates. Method in Ecology and Evolution. 3, 466-470.

Colchero, F., et al. (2021) The long lives of primates and the "invariant rate of aging" hypothesis. Nature Communications 12:3666

Cox, D. R., and Oakes D. (1984) Analysis of Survival Data. Chapman and Hall, London.

Demetrius, L. (1974) Demographic parameters and natural selection. PNAS 71, 4645-4647.

Gelman, A., Carlin, J.B., Stern, H.S. and Rubin, D.B. (2004) Bayesian data analysis. 2nd edn. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.

Gompertz, B. (1825) On the nature of the function expressive of the law of human mortality, and on a new mode of determining the value of life contingencies. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 115, 513-583.

Keyfitz, N., Caswell, H. (2005) Applied Mathematical Demography. (Springer-Verlag).

King, R. and Brooks, S.P. (2002) Bayesian model discrimination for multiple strata capture-recapture data. Biometrika, 89, 785-806.

Makeham, W. M. On the law of mortality (1866). Journal of the Institute of Actuaries 13, 1-34.

McCulloch, R.E. (1989) Local model influence. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 84, 473-478.

Pinder III, J.E., Wiener, J.G. and Smith, M.H. (1978) The Weibull distribution: a new method of summarizing survivorship data. Ecology, 59, 175-179.

Shkolnikov, V., Andreev, E. & Begun, A. Z. (2003) Gini coefficient as a life table function. Demographic Research 8, 305-358.

Siler, W. A (1979) competing-risk model for animal mortality. Ecology 60, 750-757.

Spiegelhalter, D.J., Best, N.G., Carlin, B.P. and van der Linde, A. (2002) Bayesian measures of model complexity and fit. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 64, 583-639.

See Also

summary.basta, print.basta, plot.basta to visualise summary outputs for objects of class “basta”.

bastaCMRdat and bastaCensDat for examples of input CMR and census datasets, respectively.


## ---------- #
## CMR data:
## ---------- #

## Load data:
data("bastaCMRdat", package = "BaSTA")

## Check data consistency:
checkedData <- DataCheck(bastaCMRdat, dataType = "CMR", 
                              studyStart = 51, studyEnd = 70)

## Run short version of BaSTA on the data:
out <- basta(bastaCMRdat, studyStart = 51, studyEnd = 70, 
             formulaMort = ~ Sex + Weight - 1)

## ------------- #
## Census data:
## ------------- #

## Load data:
data("bastaCensDat", package = "BaSTA")

## Check data consistency:
checkedData <- DataCheck(bastaCensDat, dataType = "census")

## Run short version of BaSTA on the data:
out <- basta(bastaCensDat, dataType = "census", formulaMort = ~ Sex - 1)

## --------------------- #
## Check BaSTA outputs:
## --------------------- #
## Print results:
summary(out, digits = 3)

## Plot traces for survival parameters:

## Plot posterior densities of survival parameters:
plot(out, type = "densities")

## Plot survival and mortality curves:
plot(out, type = "demorates")

Example of census data for BaSTA analysis.


Simulated census data (i.e., continuous observation of individuals) for Bayesian Survival Trajectory Analysis (BaSTA).




A data frame with 500 observations on the following 8 variables.


ID for each individual.


Dates of birth, formated as “YYYY-mm-dd”.


Minimum estimated dates of birth, formated as “YYYY-mm-dd”. If the date of birth is known, then Min.Birth.Date is equal to Birth.Date.


Maximum estimated dates of birth, formated as “YYYY-mm-dd”. If the date of birth is known, then Max.Birth.Date is equal to Birth.Date


Dates of entry to the study, formated as “YYYY-mm-dd”.


Dates of departure from the study, formated as “YYYY-mm-dd”.


a character vector indicating whether the Depart.Date is because of death (i.e., “D”) or censored (i.e., “C”).


a character vector indicating the sex covariate.


This dataset was created by stochastically simulating a hypothetical population with different mortality patterns between males and females and with proportional decreases in mortality as a function of a hypothetical continuous covariate (e.g. birth weight, average adult weight, etc.). The population was simulated for 40 years, with uniform times of birth within this period. Sex ratios were assumed to be 1:1. The time of death for each individual was inversed sampled from a Gompertz CDF of ages at death. The Gompertz parameters for females were: b0=3b_0 = -3 and b1=0.15b_1 = 0.15; and for males at b0=2b_0 = -2 and b1=0.2b_1 = 0.2.

The resulting dataset includes individuals where the data are left-truncated and/or right-censored. This is typical of capture mark recovery datasets.


## Load data:
data("bastaCensDat", package = "BaSTA")

## Check data consistency:
checkedData  <- DataCheck(bastaCensDat, dataType = "census")

Output from a Bayesian Survival Trajectory Analysis (BaSTA) analysis on a simulated census dataset.


This dataset is the output of a BaSTA analysis on the simulated dataset bastaCensDat. The analysis consisted of four independent simulations run in parallel. The model chosen was Gompertz (“GO”) with the shape argument set to “simple” and covarStruct set to “fused”.




A BaSTA output list (see details in basta).


## Load BaSTA output:
data("bastaCensOut", package = "BaSTA")

## Plot traces for survival parameters:

## Plot posterior densities of survival parameters:
plot(bastaCensOut, type = "densities")

## Plot survival and mortality curves:
plot(bastaCensOut, type = "demorates")

Example of capture-mark-recapture data for BaSTA analysis.


Simulated capture-mark-recapture (CMR) data for Bayesian Survival Trajectory Analysis (BaSTA).




A data frame with 500 observations on the following 25 variables (see details).


This dataset was created by stochastically simulating a hypothetical population with different mortality patterns between males and females and with proportional decreases in mortality as a function of a hypothetical continuous covariate (e.g. birth weight). The population was simulated for 100 years, at each one of which 100 individuals were born. The number of females per generation was randomly drawn from a binomial distribution using function rbinom with probability of 0.5 (i.e. 1:1 sex ratio). The individual continuous covariate was randomly drawn from a random normal distribution (with function rnorm) with mean parameter equal to 0 (e.g. anomaly of weights) and standard deviation equal to 1. The time of death for each individual was inversed sampled from a Gompertz CDF of ages at death. The Gompertz parameters for females were: b0=4b_0 = -4 and b1=0.15b_1 = 0.15; and for males at b0=3b_0 = -3 and b1=0.15b_1 = 0.15. The gamma parameter for the continuous covariate was γ=0.2\gamma = 0.2.

The study was assumed to start at year 51 and to finish at year 70. Recapture probability was set to 0.6 and thus each observation per individual was randomly drawn from a Bernoulli trial with parameter p=0.6p = 0.6. Captures at birth and recoveries were randomly drawn from a Bernoulli trial with parameters p=0.5p = 0.5 and p=0.2p = 0.2, respectively.

Therefore, the resulting dataset includes individuals where the data are left-truncated and/or right-censored. This is typical of capture mark recovery datasets.

Here is the description of each column:

id: ID for each individual.

birth: Integer times of birth or NA when unknown.

death: Integer times of death or NA when unknown.

Y.51 - Y.70: Columns of the recapture matrix

Sex: Character string indicating the sex for the individual record (i.e., “Female” and “Male”)

Weight: Simumated body weights at birth.


## Load data:
data("bastaCMRdat", package = "BaSTA")

## Check data consistency:
checkedData  <- DataCheck(bastaCMRdat, dataType = "CMR", studyStart = 51, 
                          studyEnd = 70)

Output from a Bayesian Survival Trajectory Analysis (BaSTA) analysis on a simulated capture-mark-recapture (CMR) dataset.


This dataset is the output of a BaSTA analysis on the simulated dataset bastaCMRdat. The analysis consisted of four independent simulations run in parallel. Each simulation was run for 20,000 iterations. The model chosen was Gompertz (“GO”) with the shape argument set to “simple” and covarStruct set to “fused”.




A BaSTA output list (see details in basta).


## Load BaSTA output:
data("bastaCMRout", package = "BaSTA")

## Plot traces for survival parameters:

## Plot posterior densities of survival parameters:
plot(bastaCMRout, type = "densities")

## Plot traces for proportional hazards parameter:
plot(bastaCMRout, = "gamma")

## Plot survival and mortality curves:
plot(bastaCMRout, type = "demorates")

Constructs a capture-history matrix from repeated individual observations to be used in Bayesian Survival Trajectory Analysis (BaSTA).


This function takes a table of repeated observations per individual (e.g., discrete interval census), consisting of a pair of vectors with ID and observation date (e.g., year), and converts it into a capture-history matrix to be used as part of a BaSTA CMR data input.


CensusToCaptHist(ID, d, dformat = "%Y", timeInt = "Y")



A vector with individual IDs.


A vector of dates when each individual was observed (see details).


Defines the date format for d when d is of class character (see details).


A one character string specifying which time interval should be used between capture occasions. Arguments are “Y” for years, “M” for months, “W” for weeks and “D” for days (see details)..


The d argument can be specified as an object of class POSIXct or POSIXlt, as a vector of integer time intervals or as a character string indicating the day, month and year. (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy, mmddyyyy, mm-dd-yyyy etc.). When d is of class character then argument dformat needs to be specified using the same conventions as in function format.POSIXct for objects of class POSIXct or POSIXlt.


Creates an object of class “data.frame” with the reconstructed capture recapture matrix.


Owen R. Jones [email protected].

See Also

DataCheck for running a data check on the input data for function basta.FixCMRdata to fix potential issues for capture-mark-recapture data. bastaCMRdat for an example of input CMR datasets.


## Create a simulated vector of repeated IDs:
IDvec <- sort(sample(1:5, size = 15, replace = TRUE))

## Simulate dates (e.g., years) of observation per individual:
dVec <- rep(0, length(IDvec))
for(i in unique(IDvec)) {
  svec <- which(IDvec == i)
  dVec[svec] <- sort(sample(1990:1995, length(svec)))

## Construct the capture-recapture matrix:
Y <- CensusToCaptHist(ID = IDvec,  d = dVec)

Error checking for BaSTA input data.


A function to check the input data file for a Bayesian Survival Trajectory Analysis (BaSTA) for capture-mark-recapture (CMR) or census data.


DataCheck (object, dataType = "CMR", studyStart = NULL, studyEnd = NULL,  silent = TRUE)



A data.frame to be used as an input data file for BaSTA. Note: BaSTA can take two types of datasets, namely capture-mark-recapture (CMR) or census data.


A character string indicating if the data are capture-mark-recapture (CMR) or census. Options are “CMR” (default) or “census”.


Only required for dataType =CMR”, an integer indicating the first year of the study.


Only required for dataType =CMR”, an integer indicating the last year of the study.


Logical to indicate whether the results should be printed to the console.


The function checks for inconsistencies in the dataset and reports them back. See value section for details on the types of errors detected by the function.


1) CMR data: The input data object requires the following structure: the first column should be a vector of individual unique IDs, the second and third columns are birth and death years respectively. Columns 4,,T+34, \dots, T+3 represent the observation window (i.e., recapture matrix) of TT years. This is followed (optionally) by columns for categorical and continuous covariates.

2) census data: The input data object requires at least five dates columns, namely “Birth.Date”, “Min.Birth.Date”, “Max.Birth.Date”, “Entry.Date”, and “Depart.Date”. All dates need to be format as “%Y-%m-%d”. In addition, a “Depart.Type” column is required with two types of departures “C” for Censored and “D” for dead.


1) CMR data:


The original data frame (for consistency with previous versions of BaSTA).


A vector of row numbers in the original data frame where there are deaths occurring before the study starts.


A vector of row numbers in the original data frame where there are no birth/death AND no obervations.


A vector of row numbers in the original data frame where there are births recorded after death.


A vector of row numbers in the original data frame where there are observations (i.e. recaptures) after death.


A vector of row numbers in the original data frame where there are observations (i.e. recaptures) before birth.


A vector of row numbers in the original data frame where the year of birth is not a zero in the recapture matrix.


List with summary information, e.g., sample size, number of records with known birth, number of records with known death, etc.


Logical that indicates if the data are free of errors or not. i.e. TRUE = the data have no apparent errors, and FALSE = there is at leat one error.


Character vector explaining the six types of problems the DataCheck functions looks for.


Type of dataset, i.e., “CMR”.


Integer indicating the study start time.


Integer indicating the study end time.

2) census data:


Integer for the number of rows (i.e., records) in the dataset.


Logical that indicates if the data are free of errors or not. i.e. TRUE = the data have no apparent errors, and FALSE = there is at leat one error.


List organised by column indicating whether NAs were detected in a given column.


Matrix of dates ranges (as character strings) for each date column in the dataset.


Character vector explaining the seven types of problems the DataCheck functions looks for.


Vector of indices of rows where “Min.Birth.Date” was larger than “Birth.Date”.


Vector of indices of rows where “Birth.Date” was larger than “Max.Birth.Date”.


Vector of indices of rows where “Min.Birth.Date” was larger than “Max.Birth.Date”.


Vector of indices of rows where “Birth.Date” was larger than “Endtry.Date”.


Vector of indices of rows where “Min.Birth.Date” was larger than “Entry.Date”.


Vector of indices of rows where “Max.Birth.Date” was larger than “Entry.Date”.


Vector of indices of rows where “Entry.Date” was larger than “Depart.Date”.


Vector of indices of rows where “Depart.Type” does not fall within the “C” (i.e., censored) or “D” (i.e., uncensored or death) categories.


Vector of indices of rows for uncensored (i.e., death) records.


Integer indicating the number of uncensored records.


Vector of indices of rows for censored records.


Integer indicating the number of uncensored records.


Vector of indices of rows for records with uncertain birth date.


Integer indicating the number of records with uncertain birth date.


Fernando Colchero [email protected]

See Also

FixCMRdata to fix potential issues for capture-mark-recapture data.


## CMR data:
## --------- #
## Load data:
data("bastaCMRdat", package = "BaSTA")

## Check data consistency:
checkedData  <- DataCheck(bastaCMRdat, dataType = "CMR", studyStart = 51, 
                          studyEnd = 70)

## census data:
## ------------ #
## Load data:
data("bastaCensDat", package = "BaSTA")

## Check data consistency:
checkedData  <- DataCheck(object = bastaCensDat, dataType = "census")

## Printed output:
## --------------- #
## Print DataCheck results:

Fix issues on CMR input data for BaSTA.


This function provides general fixes to common issues of capture-mark-recapture (CMR) data.


FixCMRdata(object, studyStart, studyEnd, autofix = rep(0, 6), 
                       silent = TRUE)



A data.frame to be used as an input data file for BaSTA for dataType =CMR”. The first column is the individual's ID, the second and third columns are birth and death years respectively. Columns 4 to nt+3 represent the observation window of nt years. This is followed (optionally) by columns for covariate.


An integer indicating the first year of the study.


An integer indicating the last year of the study.


A vector argument with a length of 6 indicating whether to automatically fix any errors (see details). This should be used with extreme caution. We recommend going back to the individual-based data and fixing each error “by hand”.


A logical argument indicating whether to print a detailed report to the screen or not.


Argument autofix allows the user to fix the potential errors by specifying a code for each fix. Below are the descriptions of the actions that are taken depending on the error type and the fix code:

Type 1: 0 = do nothing; 1 = remove from dataframe.

Type 2: 0 = do nothing; 1 = remove from dataframe.

Type 3: 0 = do nothing; 1 = replace death records with 0; 2 = replace birth records with 0; 3 = replace both birth and death records with 0.

Type 4: 0 = do nothing; 1 = remove spurious post-death observations.

Type 5: 0 = do nothing; 1 = remove observations that pre-date year of birth.

Type 6: 0 = do nothing; 1 = replace birth year element of observation matrix with 0.


For dataType = “CMR”:


A corrected data frame.


A vector of row numbers in the original data frame where there are deaths occurring before the study starts.


A vector of row numbers in the original data frame where there are no birth/death AND no obervations.


A vector of row numbers in the original data frame where there are births recorded after death.


A vector of row numbers in the original data frame where there are observations (i.e. recaptures) after death.


A vector of row numbers in the original data frame where there are observations (i.e. recaptures) before birth.


A vector of row numbers in the original data frame where the year of birth is not a zero in the recapture matrix.


Logical that indicates if the data are free of errors or not. i.e. TRUE = the data have no apparent errors, and FALSE = there is at leat one error.


Fernando Colchero [email protected]

See Also

DataCheck for running a data check on the input data for function basta.


## Load data:
data("bastaCMRdat", package = "BaSTA")

## Fix data:
fixedData  <- FixCMRdata(bastaCMRdat, studyStart = 51, 
                          studyEnd = 70, autofix = rep(1, 6))

Function to run multiple BaSTA models on the same dataset.


These functions allow users to run models with different functional forms on the same dataset, to perform model comparison and to visualize the results of the multiple runs.


multibasta(object, dataType = "CMR", models, shapes, ...)



A data.frame to be used as an input data file for BaSTA. Note: BaSTA can take two types of datasets, namely capture-mark-recapture (CMR) or census data. See details for a description of the data structures.


A character string indicating if the data are for capture-mark-recapture (CMR) or census. Options are “CMR” (default) or “census”.


A character vector specifying the underlying mortality models to be compared. "EX" = exponential,"GO" = Gompertz, "WE" = Weibull and "LO" = logistic (see details).


A character vector with the overall shapes to be tested. Values are: simple = no extra parameters added; Makeham = a constant parameter is added to the mortality; and bathtub = a Gompertz declining mortality for early ages and a constant parameter are added to the mortality model (see details).


Additional arguments to be passed to function basta (see details)



The input object required by BaSTA needs to be constructed differently whether the data are of capture-mark-recapture or census.

1.1) capture-mark-recapture (CMR):

If dataType = “CMR”, then the data frame requires the following structure. The first column is a vector of individual unique IDs, the second and third columns are birth and death years respectively. Columns 4,,T+34, \dots, T+3 represent the observation window (i.e., recapture matrix) of TT years. This is followed (optionally) by columns for categorical and continuous covariates (see bastaCMRdat for a CMR dataset example).

1.2) Census:

If dataType = “census”, then the input data object requires at least five dates columns, namely “Birth.Date”, “Min.Birth.Date”, “Max.Birth.Date”, “Entry.Date”, and “Depart.Date”. All dates need to be format as “%Y-%m-%d”. In addition, a “Depart.Type” column is required with two types of departures “C” for Censored and “D” for dead (see bastaCensDat for a census dataset example).


basta performs Bayesian inference on parametric age-specific mortality and survival when not all ages are known (Colchero and Clark 2012, Colchero et al. 2012, Colchero et al. 2021). The mortality function describes how the risk of mortality changes with age, and is defined as

μ(xθ)=limΔx0Pr[x<X<x+ΔxX>x]Δx,\mu(x | \theta) = \lim_{\Delta x \rightarrow 0} \frac{\Pr[x < X < x + \Delta x | X > x]}{\Delta x},

where XX is a random variable for ages at death, x0x \geq 0 are ages and θ\theta is the vector of mortality parameters. From the mortality function, the survival function is then given by

S(xθ)=exp[0xμ(tθ)dt].S(x | \bm{\theta}) = \exp[-\int_0^x \mu(t | \bm{\theta}) dt].

2.1)Argument model:

The model argument allows the user to choose between four basic mortality functions, namely

(a) model = EX”: The exponential model (Cox and Oakes 1974), with constant mortality with age, specified as

μb(xθ)=b,\mu_b(x | \bm{\theta}) = b,

where b>0b > 0, with survival

Sb(xθ)=exp[bx].S_b(x | \bm{\theta}) = \exp[-b x].

(b) model = GO”: The Gompertz mortality model (Gompertz 1925, Pletcher 1999), calculated as

μb(xθ)=exp(b0+b1x),\mu_b(x | \bm{\theta}) = \exp(b_0 + b_1 x),

where <b0,b1<-\infty < b_0, b_1 < \infty, with survival

Sb(xθ)=exp[eb0b1(1eb1x)].S_b(x | \bm{\theta}) = \exp\left[\frac{e^{b_0}}{b_1}\left(1 - e^{b_1 x}\right)\right].

(c) model = WE”: The Weibull mortality model (Pinder III et al. 1978) calculated as

μb(xθ)=b0b1b0xb01,\mu_b(x | \bm{\theta}) = b_0 b_1^{b_0} x^{b_0 -1},

where b0,b1>0b_0, b_1 > 0, with survival

Sb(xθ)=exp[(b1x)b0].S_b(x | \bm{\theta}) = \exp\left[-(b_1 x)^{b_0}\right].

(d) model = LO”: The logistic mortality model (Pletcher 1999), calculated as

μb(xθ)=exp(b0+b1x)1+b2eb0b1(eb1x1),\mu_b(x | \bm{\theta}) = \frac{\exp(b_0 + b_1 x)}{1 + b_2 \frac{e^{b_0}}{b_1} \left(e^{b_1 x}-1\right)},

where b0,b1,b2>0b_0, b_1, b_2 > 0, with survival

Sb(xθ)=[1+b2eb0b1(eb1x1)]1/b2.S_b(x | \bm{\theta}) = \left[1 + b_2 \frac{e^{b_0}}{b_1} \left(e^{b_1 x} - 1\right)\right]^{-1 / b_2}.

2.2)Argument shape:

The shape argument allows the user to extend these models in order to explore more complex mortality shapes.

(a) shape = simple”: (default) Leaves the model as defined above, with mortality given by

μ(xθ)=μb(xθ)\mu(x | \bm{\theta}) = \mu_b(x | \bm{\theta})

and survival

S(xθ)=Sb(xθ.S(x | \bm{\theta}) = S_b(x | \bm{\theta}.

(b) shape = Makeham”: A constant is added to the mortality, such that the mortality is given by

μ(xθ)=c+μb(xθ1),\mu(x | \bm{\theta}) = c + \mu_b(x | \bm{\theta}_1),

where θ=[c,θ1]\bm{\theta} = [c, \bm{\theta}_1], and with survival

S(xθ)=ecxSb(xθ1)S(x | \bm{\theta}) = e^{-cx} S_b(x | \bm{\theta}_1)

The most common models with this shape is the Gompertz-Makeham model (Gompertz 1825, Makeham 1866).

(c) shape = bathtub”: produces a concave shapes in mortality by adding a declining Gompertz term and a constant parameter to the basic mortality model, where the mortality function is

μ(xθ)=exp(a0a1x)+c+μb(xθ1),\mu(x | \bm{\theta}) = \exp(a_0 - a_1 x) + c + \mu_b(x | \bm{\theta}_1),

where a0Ra_0 \in \mathbb{R}, a1,c0a_1, c \geq 0 and θ1θ\bm{\theta}_1 \subset \bm{\theta} are specified based on argument model, and with survival

S(xθ)=exp[ea0a1(ea1x1)cx]Sb(xθ1).S(x | \theta) = \exp\left[\frac{e^{a_0}}{a_1}\left(e^{a_1 x} - 1\right)-cx\right] S_b(x | \theta_1).

The most widely use “bathtub” shaped model is the Siler mortality model (Siler 1979), which provides considerably good fits to mammalian data. The arguments for the Siler model are:

basta(..., model = "GO", shape = "bathtub", ...)


Covariates are selected by means of the argument formulaMort, which requires an object of class formula, just as with other statistical inference functions such as lm or glm.

When covariates are included in the dataset, the basta function provides three different ways in which these can be evaluated by using argument covarsStruct:


This option will make the mortality parameters linear functions of all categorical covariates (analogous to a generalised linear model (GLM) structure) and will put all continuous covariates under a proportional hazards structure. Thus, for a simple exponential model with constant mortality of the form μ0(xb)=b\mu_0(x | b) = b, the parameter is equal to b=b1z1+,bkzkb = b_1 z_1 + \dots, b_k z_k, where [b1,,bk][b_1, \dots, b_k] are paramters that link the mortality parameter bb with the categorical covariates [z1,,zk][z_1,\dots,z_k].


This setting will put all covariates under a proportional hazards structure irrespective of the type of variable. In this case, the mortality model is be further extended by including a proportional hazards structure, of the form

μ(xθ,γ,Za,Zc)=μ0(xθ,Za)exp(Zcγ),\mu(x | \theta, \gamma, Z_a, Z_c) = \mu_0(x | \theta, Z_a) \exp(Z_c \gamma),

where μ0(xθ,Za)\mu_0(x | \theta, Z_a) represents the baseline mortality as defined above, while the second term exp(Zcγ)\exp(Z_c \gamma) corresponds to the proportional hazards function. ZaZ_a and ZcZ_c are covariate (design) matrices for categorical and continuous covariates, respectively, while γ\gamma is a vector of proportional hazards parameters.”:

This specification will put all covariates as linear functions of the survival parameters as explained above. Since most models require the lower bounds for the mortality parameters to be equal to 0, the only model that can be used for this test is Gompertz with shape set to “simple”. In case these arguments are specified differently, a warning message is printed noting that model will be forced to be “GO” and shape will be set to “simple”.


The burnin argument represents the number of steps at the begining of the MCMC run that is be discarded. This sequence commonly corresponds to the non-converged section of the MCMC sequence. Convergence and model selection measures are calculated from the remaining thinned parameter chains if multiple simulations are run, and all if all of them run to completion.

The thinning argument specifies the number of steps to be skipped in order to reduce serial autocorrelation. The thinned sequence, which only includes steps after burn in, is then used to calculate convergence statistics and model for selection.

The updateJumps argument specifies wether to run a simulation to find appropriate jump standard deviations for theta and gamma parameters. If argument “nsim” is set to 1, then the simulation runs with the update jumps routine active. If “nsim” is larger than 1, then an initial simulation is ran to find apropriate jumps before the main analysis is ran.


Additional arguments for priors, jumps and start values can be passed on the ... section. For instance, argument thetaStart can be specified as a vector defining the initial values for each parameter in the survival model. If this argument is not specified, a set of random parameters is generated for each simulation. Similarly, argument gammaStart can be specified for all parameters in the proportional hazards section of the model. Jump standard deviations (i.e. the standard error in the Metropolis step) can be specified with arguments thetaJumps and gammaJumps. As with thetaStart, default values are assigned if these arguments are not specified.

To specify priors, arguments thetaPriorMean, thetaPriorSd, gammaPriorMean and gammaPriorSd can be used for prior means and standard errors for each survival and proportional hazards parameters. If not specified, default values are assigned.

The number of parameters in thetaStart, thetaJumps, thetaPriorMean and thetaPriorSd should be a vector or matrix for the parameters in the mortality function. The number of parameters will depend on the model chosen with model (see above). If the number of parameters specified does not match the number of parameters inherent to the model and shape selected, the function returns an error.

As described above, the number of parameters for gammaStart, gammaJumps, gammaPriorMean and gammaPriorSd arguments (i.e. section b), namely the proportional hazards section, will be a function of the number of continuous covariates if argument covarsStruct is “fused”, or to the total number of covariates when covarsStruct is “prop.haz”.

6) SUMMARY STATISTICS: From the converged sequence of mortality parameters, BaSTA calculates a number of summary statistics, their standard errors and their lower and upper 95% credible intervals.

6.1) Remaining life expectancy:

The function calculates remaining life expectancy as

e0=0S(t)dt.e_{0} = \int_{0}^{\infty} S(t) dt.

6.2) Measures of inequality and equality:

The function calculates different measures of inequality and equality in the distribution of ages at death that results from the parametric model:

- Lifespan inequality: (Demetrius 1974, Keyfitz and Caswell 2005) given by

H=0S(x)ln[S(x)]dxe0H = -\frac{\int_{0}^{\infty} S(x) \ln [S(x)] dx}{e_0}

- Lifespan equality: (Colchero et al. 2016, Colchero et al. 2021) given by

ε=lnH.\varepsilon = - \ln H.

- Gini coefficient: (Gini 1912, Shkolnikov et al. 2003) given by

G=11e00[l(x)]2dxG = 1 - \frac{1}{e_0} \int_0^{\infty} [l(x)]^2 dx

- Coefficient of variation: given by

CV=σ2e0,CV = \frac{\sqrt{\sigma^2}}{e_0},

where σ2\sigma^2 is the variance in ages at death.



A list with the basta outputs for the models and shapes tested.


A data.frame with the DIC values for each model, ranked from the model with lowest to the highest DIC.


A summary table showing the models and shaped tested.


Fernando Colchero [email protected]


Burnham, K.P. and Anderson, D.R. (2001) Kullback-Leibler information as a basis for strong inference in ecological studies. Widlife Research, 28, 111-119.

Celeux, G., Forbes, F., Robert, C. P., and Titterington, D. M. (2006) Deviance information criteria for missing data models. Bayesian Analysis, 1(4), 651-673.

Colchero, F. and J.S. Clark (2012) Bayesian inference on age-specific survival from capture-recapture data for censored and truncated data. Journal of Animal Ecology. 81, 139-149.

Colchero, F., O.R. Jones and M. Rebke. (2012) BaSTA: an R package for Bayesian estimation of age-specific survival from incomplete mark-recapture/recovery data with covariates. Method in Ecology and Evolution. 3, 466-470.

Colchero, F., et al. (2021) The long lives of primates and the "invariant rate of aging" hypothesis. Nature Communications 12:3666

Cox, D. R., and Oakes D. (1984) Analysis of Survival Data. Chapman and Hall, London.

Demetrius, L. (1974) Demographic parameters and natural selection. PNAS 71, 4645-4647.

Gelman, A., Carlin, J.B., Stern, H.S. and Rubin, D.B. (2004) Bayesian data analysis. 2nd edn. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.

Gompertz, B. (1825) On the nature of the function expressive of the law of human mortality, and on a new mode of determining the value of life contingencies. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 115, 513-583.

Keyfitz, N., Caswell, H. (2005) Applied Mathematical Demography. (Springer-Verlag).

King, R. and Brooks, S.P. (2002) Bayesian model discrimination for multiple strata capture-recapture data. Biometrika, 89, 785-806.

Makeham, W. M. On the law of mortality (1866). Journal of the Institute of Actuaries 13, 1-34.

McCulloch, R.E. (1989) Local model influence. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 84, 473-478.

Pinder III, J.E., Wiener, J.G. and Smith, M.H. (1978) The Weibull distribution: a new method of summarizing survivorship data. Ecology, 59, 175-179.

Shkolnikov, V., Andreev, E. & Begun, A. Z. (2003) Gini coefficient as a life table function. Demographic Research 8, 305-358.

Siler, W. A (1979) competing-risk model for animal mortality. Ecology 60, 750-757.

Spiegelhalter, D.J., Best, N.G., Carlin, B.P. and van der Linde, A. (2002) Bayesian measures of model complexity and fit. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 64, 583-639.

See Also

basta, as well as CensusToCaptHist for raw data formatting.


## Load data:
data("bastaCMRdat", package = "BaSTA")

## Run short version of BaSTA on the data:
multiout <- multibasta(bastaCMRdat, studyStart = 51, studyEnd = 70, 
                 models = c("GO", "WE"), shapes = "simple",
                 niter = 100, burnin = 11, thinning = 10, 
                 nsim = 1, updateJumps = FALSE, parallel = FALSE)

## Print results:
summary(multiout, digits = 3)

Summarizing and plotting Bayesian Survival Trajectory Analysis (BaSTA) model outputs.


These functions are all generic methods for class basta.


## S3 method for class 'basta'
summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'basta'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'basta'
plot(x, type = "traces", = "theta",
                       noCIs = FALSE, minSurv = NULL,



An object of class basta.


An object of class basta.


A character vector indicating the type of plot to be produced. Options are: “traces” for the MCMC traces; “densities” for posterior parameter densities; “demorates” for the resulting survival and mortality curves; “gof” for a comparison between the estimated parametric survival function and the life table lx variable; and “fancy” for a combined densities and survival and mortality plots.

Character string indicating the set of parameters or posteriors to be plotted. The options are: “theta” to plot the survival model parameters; “gamma” to plot the proportional hazards parameters (if it applies, else plot.basta returns an error); “pi” to plot the recapture probabilities.


Logical indicating whether the 95% credible intervals should be included in the plot.


Numerical value for the minimum survival level, acts as xlim using the survival as reference.


Additional arguments passed to functions print, summary and plot (see details).


For objects of class basta, the print function returns three summary elements describing the model and its results, namely: call, run, coefficients and, if convergence was reached, the DIC values for model fit. call describes the basic model used (i.e. exponential, Gompertz, Weibull or logistic), the shape chosen, “simple”, “Makeham” or “bathtub”, the covariate structure chosen, “fused”, “prop.haz” or “” and which covariates (if any) were categorical and which continuous. Argument digits can be used for number formatting (see summary() or signif() for details).

The summary element coefficients prints out the estimated coefficients for all parameters in the model, as well as their standard errors and 95% upper and lower credible intervals. It also includes a measure of serial autocorrelation for each parameter calculated from the thinned parameter chains, an update rate per parameter, and the potential scale reduction factor for each parameter as a measure of convergence (Gelman et al. 2004).

Function summary includes all the previous elements, as well as a summary description of the priors and jump standard deviations for all survival parameters, a calibration of the Kullback-Leibler discrepancy as a measure of parameter similarities for those parameters associated to categorical covariates (McCulloch 1989), and a measure of model fit based on the deviance information criterion (DIC) (Spiegelhalter et al. 2002).

Function plot takes objects of class basta to create trace plots of the estimated parameters (default) or, if the argument for type is set to “demorates”, it plots estimated survival probabilities and mortality rates with their 95% predictive intervals. Argument xlim can be used to define a range of ages to visualize survival and mortality trends. Also, if logical argument noCI is set to TRUE, credible intervals around survival and mortality are not plotted, leaving only the mean trends. This can be handy when several categorical covariates have been evaluated and the plots become too crowded.

Other arguments for plot include names.legend to indicate alternative names for the legend of vital rates plots. Also, argument xlim can be changed to display only a subest of the support. When argument noCI is TRUE, then the credible intervals around the vital rates are not displayed. In addition, argument lwd can be used to change the width of the survival and mortality mean lines.

For consistency with previous versions, arguments plot.type and densities can still be used instead of type.


Function summary() outputs the folowing values:


Matrix with estimated coefficients (i.e. mean values per parameter on the thinned sequences after burnin), which includes standard errors, upper and lower 95% credible intervals, update rates per parameter (commonly the same for all survival and proportional hazards parameters), serial autocorrelation on the thinned sequences and the potential scale reduction factor for convergence (see Convergence value below).


Numeric vector with basic deviance information criterion (DIC) calculations to be used for model selection (Spiegelhalter et al. 2002).


List with Kullback-Leibler discrepancy matrices between pair of parameters for categorical covariates (McCulloch 1989, Burnham and Anderson 2001) and McCulloch's (1989) calibration measure. If only one simulation was ran or if no convergence was reached, then the returned value is “Not calculated”.


A matrix with convergence coefficients based on potential scale reduction as described by Gelman et al. (2004). If only one simulation was ran, then the returned value is “Not calculated”.


Model specifications inidicating the model, the shape and the covariate structure that were specified by the user.


A vector indicating the number of iterations for each MCMC, the burn in sequence, the thinning interval, and the number of simulations that were run.


Fernando Colchero [email protected], Owen R. Jones [email protected]


Gelman, A., Carlin, J.B., Stern, H.S. and Rubin, D.B. (2004) Bayesian data analysis. 2nd edn. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.

McCulloch, R.E. (1989) Local model influence. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 84, 473-478.

Spiegelhalter, D.J., Best, N.G., Carlin, B.P. and Van Der Linde, A. (2002) Bayesian measures of model complexity and fit. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B 64, 583-639.

See also:

Colchero, F. and J.S. Clark (2012) Bayesian inference on age-specific survival from capture-recapture data for censored and truncated data. Journal of Animal Ecology. 81(1):139-149.

Colchero, F., O.R. Jones and M. Rebke. (2012) BaSTA: an R package for Bayesian estimation of age-specific survival from incomplete mark-recapture/recovery data with covariates. Method in Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2012.00186.x

See Also



## Load BaSTA output:
data("bastaCMRout", package = "BaSTA")

## Print summary output:

## Plot traces for mortality parameters (theta):

## Plot traces for proportional hazards parameters (gamma):
plot(bastaCMRout, = "gamma")

## Plot traces for recapture probability(ies) (pi):
plot(bastaCMRout, = "pi")

## Plot predicted mortality and survival:
plot(bastaCMRout, type = "demorates")

## Change the color for each covariate on 
## the predicted vital rates:
plot(bastaCMRout, type = "demorates", 
     col = c("dark green", "dark blue"))

## Change the color and the legend text:
plot(bastaCMRout, type = "demorates", 
     col = c("dark green", "dark blue"),
     names.legend = c("Females", "Males"))

## Plot predicted mortality and survival 
## between 2 and 8 years of age:
plot(bastaCMRout, type = "demorates", xlim = c(2, 8))

## Plot predicted mortality and survival 
## between 2 and 8 years of age without
## credible intervals:
plot(bastaCMRout, type = "demorates", xlim = c(2, 8), 
     noCI = TRUE)

## Plot parameter densities and predicted vital  
## rates in the same plot (i.e. fancy):
plot(bastaCMRout, type = "fancy")

## Change colors and legend names for the 
## "fancy" plot:
plot(bastaCMRout, type = "fancy", col = c("dark green", "dark blue"),
     names.legend = c("Females", "Males"))

Summary of outputs from the data checking function in BaSTA.


These function provide general information about the input data set to be used for BaSTA, as well as detailes on potential issues that could have been found on the data.


## S3 method for class 'bastaCheckCMR'
summary(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'bastaCheckCens'
summary(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'bastaCheckCMR'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'bastaCheckCens'
print(x, ...)



Output from function DataCheck


Output from function DataCheck


Additional arguments passed to functions print and summary (see details).


Both functions print to the screen the results of the DataCheck function.


No return value, prints output to the console


Fernando Colchero [email protected]

See Also

DataCheck for running a data check on the input data for function basta, FixCMRdata to fix potential issues for capture-mark-recapture data.


## CMR data:
## --------- #
## Load data:
data("bastaCMRdat", package = "BaSTA")

## Check data consistency:
checkedData  <- DataCheck(bastaCMRdat, dataType = "CMR", studyStart = 51, 
                          studyEnd = 70)

## census data:
## ------------ #
## Load data:
data("bastaCensDat", package = "BaSTA")

## Check data consistency:
checkedData  <- DataCheck(object = bastaCensDat, dataType = "census")

## Printed output:
## --------------- #
## Print DataCheck results:

Summarizing multiple Bayesian Survival Trajectory Analsys (BaSTA) model output.


These functions allow users visualize the output from function multibasta.


## S3 method for class 'multibasta'
summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'multibasta'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'multibasta'
coef(object, showAll = FALSE, ...)



An object of class “multibasta”.


An object of class “multibasta”.


Logical whether the coefficients from all models should be shown.


Additional arguments to be passed to function print, summary, and coef (see details).


Function coef.multibasta returns a list with the following objects:


A list with the basta coefficients for the model with lowes DIC or, if showAll = TRUE, from each model and shape tested.


A matrix with the DIC values for each model, sorted from the model with lowest DIC to the model with highest DIC.


Fernando Colchero [email protected], Owen R. Jones [email protected], and Maren Rebke [email protected]

See Also

basta, multibasta.


## Load data:
data("bastaCMRdat", package = "BaSTA")

## Run short version of BaSTA on the data:
multiout <- multibasta(bastaCMRdat, studyStart = 51, studyEnd = 70, 
                 models = c("GO", "WE"), shapes = "simple",
                 niter = 100, burnin = 11, thinning = 10, 
                 nsim = 1, updateJumps = FALSE, parallel = FALSE)

## Print results:
summary(multiout, digits = 3)